Monday, September 29, 2008


The 6-out-of-10 landscape sketches. Currently the A2 is being redone. I'm also starting to run out of landscapes to draw. Har.

The colours look a bit more intense in RL. I blame thee scanner for ruining my hard blending (as usual).

Having a fever, still rushing on assignements. Been missing out on school a bit more than I'd like to too. What's wrong with me man?!

Copic markers and cartridge paper, god-knows-how-many-days


Anonymous said...

3 days of school in counting,
and if you miss out on this week's Thursday, that 'ill make four.

*is very grumpy about this whole "no-Jasmine" situation*

I love your landscapes, they look very clean and pure, the lighting is very early-morning ish, and the atmosphere seems a little foggy and serene...ah, now I also feel like doing these landscape images :3

must get down to work too!!!!

Kiyomisu said...

Aye darling. I did turn up for school in the end. -w-

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit late in posting this but...
what gorgeous landscapes *_* I love the water colour feel of it all xD rock on <33